Speelse toewijding: een pedagogisch-didactisch onderzoek naar schrijfstijl- en formuleeronderwijs in klas 3 en 4 havo/vwo

Jeroen Steenbakkers

Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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This study focuses on writing style education. In the 3rd and 4th year classes from higher and academic secondary education, writing style is usually being taught in a prescriptive way. The students learn to correct errors in single sentences. This study reports on desing research into a renewed module for writing style education, based on didactic design principles (grammar for writing) and pedagogical direction indicators. We investigated the effects of these new lessons. There are three main effects: questionary data show that the students are significantly more positive about the renewed lessons and these lessons contributed significantly more to the students’ stylistic awareness than the lessons correct formulation. Text analysis shows that students following the renewed lessons significantly used more writing style strategies.
Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • University of Groningen
  • de Glopper, Kees, Supervisor
  • Baaijen, Veerle, Co-supervisor
  • Stukker, Ninke, Co-supervisor
Award date13-Apr-2023
Place of Publication[Groningen]
Print ISBNs9789464692686
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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