The ISO SWS Calibration: Strategy and Lessons Learned

P. R. Roelfsema, E. A. Valentijn, O. H. Bauer, D. A. Beintema, D. R. Boxhoorn, H. Feuchtgruber, T. de Graauw, A. M. Heras, R. Huygen, D. J. M. Kester, F. Lahuis, K. Leech, R. Lorente, P. W. Morris, A. Salama, S. G. Schaeidt, R. F. Shipman, B. Vandenbussche, E. Weiprecht

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Instrument calibration can be seen as having several different components; clearly there is the use of specific calibration tools according to specific procedures on well defined data sets to yield calibration parameters. Also the application of such calibration parameters to data is part of the general process of instrument calibration. Possibly the most important part of the instrument calibration process is the actual design and development of the various calibration tools and procedures. Especially critical is the possibility for instrument specialists to efficiently incorporate refined instrument understanding into standard calibration and data processing steps. The experience obtained in developing SWS calibration strategies when going from pre-ground test theory through instrument level tests, performance verification, operations and post operations are discussed. The importance of a flexible and adaptable data analysis environment as well as continued access to all test data -i.e. both pre-flight and in-flight- is illustrated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Event `The calibration legacy of the ISO Mission - ISO Data Centre, ESA-VILSPA, Spain
Duration: 5-Feb-20019-Feb-2001


Conference `The calibration legacy of the ISO Mission


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