The Role of Thermalization in the Cooling Dynamics of Hot Carrier Solar Cells

Tim Faber, Lado Filipovic, L. Jan Anton Koster*

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The hot carrier solar cell (HCSC) concept has been proposed to overcome the Shockley Queisser limit of a single p–n junction solar cell by harvesting carriers before they have lost their surplus energy. A promising family of materials for these purposes is metal halide perovskites (MHP). MHPs have experimentally shown very long cooling times, the key requirement of a HCSC. By using ensemble Monte Carlo simulations, light is shed on why cooling times are found to be extended. This article concentrates on the role of thermalization in the cooling process. The role of carrier–phonon and carrier–carrier interactions in thermalization and cooling is specified, while showing how these processes depend on material parameters, such as the dielectric constant and effective mass. It is quantified how thermalization acts as a cooling mechanism via the cold background effect. The importance of a low degree of background doping is to achieve the observed extended cooling times. Herein, it is mapped out how perovskites should be tuned, their material parameters, carrier concentration, and purity, in order to realize a HCSC. It contributes to the debate on the cooling times in MHPs and the suitability of tin perovskites for HCSCs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2300140
Number of pages9
JournalSolar RRL
Issue number13
Early online date13-May-2023
Publication statusPublished - Jul-2023


  • hot carrier cooling
  • hot carrier solar cells
  • Monte Carlo simulations
  • perovskites
  • third gen PV


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