The Roman Hinterland Project: Integrating Archaeological Field Surveys around Rome and Beyond

Peter Attema*, Paolo Carafa, Willem Jongman, Christopher Smith, Remco Bronkhorst, Maria Capanna, Tymon de Haas, Martijn van Leusen, Gijs Tol, Robert Witcher, Niels Wouda

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This article presents the background to and prospects for a new initiative in archaeological field survey and database integration. The Roman Hinterland Project combines data from the Tiber Valley Project, Roman Suburbium Project, and the Pontine Region Project into a single database, which the authors believe to be one of the most complete repositories of data for the hinterland of a major ancient metropolis, covering nearly 2000 years of history. The logic of combining these databases in the context of studying the Roman landscape is explained and illustrated with analyses that show their capacity to contribute to major debates in Roman economy, demography, and the longue durée of the human condition in a globalizing world.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)238-258
Number of pages21
JournalEuropean Journal of Archaeology
Issue number2
Early online date9-Dec-2021
Publication statusPublished - May-2022


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