Timing the disc/corona interaction in neutron-star and black-hole X-ray binaries

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic


The frequency- and energy-dependent variability in neutron-star and black-hole binaries encodes information of the interaction between the different components of the accretion flow in those systems: The accretion disc, the Comptonising corona and, in the case of neutron stars, the star’s surface and surface boundary layer. I will present our latest results on the phase lag spectrum and Fourier coherence of the high-frequency variability in these systems, compare them with spectral properties of the source, and discuss a feed-back scenario that would explain several properties of this variability in a natural way.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly - Moscow, Russian Federation
Duration: 2-Aug-201410-Aug-2014


Conference40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation


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