Towards sideband-separation for ALMA's highest bands

Ronald Hesper*, Andrey Khudchenko, Andrei Barychev, Jan Barkhof, Marielle Bekema, Rob Haan-Stijkel, de

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Over the last few years, we developed high-performance sideband- separating (2SB) mixers for 600-720 GHz (Band 9) and 790-950 GHz (Band 10). The former have successfully been commissioned in the SEPIA front- end at APEX. On-sky image rejection ratios in excess of 24dB have been recorded for the CO(6-5) line at 691 GHz and the water maser line at 658 GHz, while lab testing shows 15dB or better over an extended RF band of about 580-740GHz. Noise temperature is better than 200K (SSB) over most of the band. The receiver cartridge has four 4-12 GHz IF outputs and is fully ALMA-frontend compatible. We intend to extend the IF bandwidth even further in the near future. The new Band 790-950 GHz 2SB mixer (intended for the FLASH front-end at APEX) has been tested in the lab recently and shows comparable performance characteristics. We see these mixers, with circulator-less wideband IF infrastructure, as an attractive upgrade for the highest ALMA bands.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1-Jun-2019
EventALMA Development Workshop 2019 - ESO, Garching, Germany, Garching, Germany
Duration: 3-Jun-20195-Jun-2019


ConferenceALMA Development Workshop 2019


  • Zenodo community almadevel2019


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