(Un)intended spillovers of green government policies: The case of plastic regulations

Jenny van Doorn*, Hans Risselada, Stephanie M. Rizio, Mengfei Ye

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Governments enact various regulations to decrease the use of plastic. This raises the question of whether the effectiveness of such measures is restricted to the realm of the plastic products being regulated, or whether and how it ‘spills over’ on to the use of other plastic products. Leveraging scanner and survey data across 22 countries, the authors show that a ban or a charge on plastic bags strengthens descriptive social norms to avoid plastic, which in turn curbs the purchasing and use of plastic bottles, as well as of other plastics. Yet there is also a dark side to charging consumers for plastic bags, as a negative cueing effect can lower concerns about plastic pollution and make consumers less vigilant about their use of other plastic products. Taken together, this research shows that government regulation aimed at changing small common behaviors potentially has a much larger impact via spillover effects.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 8-Aug-2024


  • Descriptive social norms
  • Plastic pollution
  • Pro-environmental attitudes
  • Sustainable retailing


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