Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor

    Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademicpeer-review

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    In Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor, Christina G. Williamson examines the phenomenon of monumental sanctuaries in the countryside of Asia Minor that accompanied the second rise of the Greek city-state in the Hellenistic period. Moving beyond monolithic categories, Williamson provides a transdisciplinary frame of analysis that takes into account the complex local histories, landscapes, material culture, and social and political dynamics of such shrines in their transition towards becoming prestigious civic sanctuaries.

    This frame of analysis is applied to four case studies: the sanctuaries of Zeus Labraundos, Sinuri, Hekate at Lagina, and Zeus Panamaros. All in Karia, these well-documented shrines offer valuable insights for understanding religious strategies adopted by emerging cities as they sought to establish their position in the expanding world.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLeiden
    Number of pages515
    ISBN (Electronic)978-90-04-46127-7
    ISBN (Print)978-90-04-46126-0
    Publication statusPublished - 23-Jul-2021

    Publication series

    NameReligions in the Graeco-Roman World
    ISSN (Print)0927-7633


    • Hellenistic period
    • Greek religion
    • Asia Minor
    • Graeco-Roman world


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