Who cares about public interests? A case-based analysis of the role of boards in Dutch semipublic organizations

Hans van Ees, Kaspar van den Ham, Theo J.B.M. Postma, Kees Verschoor

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationContingency, behavioural and evolutionary perspectives on public and non-profit governance studies in public and non-profit governance
EditorsLuca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro
Place of PublicationBingley
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing Limited
Number of pages26
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-78560-428-7
ISBN (Print)978-1-78560-429-4
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameStudies in public and non-profit governance
ISSN (Print)2051-6630

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