Artificial MEMS sensor arrays inspired by lateral-lines for underwater sensing

Activiteit: Professional or public presentationProfessional


Many biological species found in nature are equipped with extraordinary sensing systems that work on diverse sensing principles. Many of these biological sensors demonstrate staggering range of multifaceted functionalities that exceed the range of sensing capabilities of most human engineered sensors. The fundamental motivation of my research work has been to study the ubiquitous yet novel sensing principles and nanoengineering of the biological sensors in nature and apply those lessons to design micro and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) sensors to target a specific application.

Evolution bestowed the blind cave fish with a resourcefully designed lateral-line of sensors that enables the fish to maneuver dexterously and navigate with great agility in hydrodynamically challenging underwater conditions. My research work is targeted towards developing biomimetic micro/nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) sensors that imbibe similar structural features as those of the biological sensors on the blind cave fish and perform functionalities that are similar to the lateral-lines in fish. Flexible, low-powered arrays of polymer MEMS flow and pressure-gradient sensors are developed through microfabrication technologies for underwater sensing applications. How would MEMS versions of neuromasts be developed? Is it possible to benefit from mimicking the structural and material features of the biological sensors in artificial MEMS sensors? What biomimetic materials could be incorporated with MEMS? How good are the sensitivities and accuracies of such MEMS flow sensors? How can they improve the maneuverability of underwater robots? Here are few aspects that will be addressed in this seminar.

Gehouden opPeking University, China
Mate van erkenningInternational