This paper critically analyzes the policy documents and production data for local Dutch VOD content by international (Netflix, Amazon) and national streaming services (commercial [Videoland] as well as PSB [NPO Start]) from Netflix’s launch in the Netherlands in September 2013 until late 2023, before the regulation on the Dutch quota became effective. Since January 1, 2024, the Dutch content quota requires streaming services with a revenue of more than 10 million euros to invest 5% of their annual turnover in Dutch content production. This regulation is a follow-up to the 30% quota for local audiovisual content production by the EU’s revised Audiovisual Media Service Directive (AVMSD) for US streaming giant Netflix in Fall 2018. Several European countries implemented production quotas for tax revenues by international streaming services, including France (2009), Germany (2014), Italy (2018), Belgium (2019/2021), Poland (2020), and Italy (2018).Our paper explores the Netherlands as both a small production country and “the ‘country of origin’ to several multinational VOD services, including Netflix” (Idiz et al. 2021, 426). It contextualizes the Dutch quota in recent changes in European audiovisual media policy, the European VOD market, and trends in diversity and inclusion in Dutch VOD productions from 2013-2023. By looking beyond the Dutch quota, our conclusions give insight into the state of Dutch VOD content production, actual production numbers per production type (series and films) and genre from 2013-2023, and representation of Dutch socio-cultural diversity in VOD productions for the Dutch market. In the presentation, we will share first findings from our ongoing research project.
Periode | 23-apr.-2024 |
Evenementstitel | Exploring the Audiovisual Media Service Directive, Content Quotas & Prominence |
Evenementstype | Workshop |
Locatie | Utrecht, NetherlandsToon op kaart |
Mate van erkenning | International |