Bodily Sensation Maps to capture valence and arousal of artistic images: developing a new methodology

Activiteit: Academic presentationAcademic


Cognitive-corporal theories and the 4E approach to the mind - embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended - emphasize that emotions are not only cognitive but also deeply rooted in the body. According to this theoretical framework, researchers should investigate people's self-awareness or interoception to assess individuals' internal state of the body and to identify their emotional experiences. This holds true for emotions triggered by art.

Bodily Sensation Maps (BSMs) are a reliable self-reported measure of the embodied experience in response to emotional stimuli, and it has been shown that different emotions are associated with distinctive consistent patterns of physical bodily activity. BSMs are created by explicitly requesting participants to self-report their physical activity by identifying and marking it on two blank body silhouettes: one to indicate perceived activated body parts and the other deactivated ones. Previous research used BSMs to capture reactions to narrative texts and different types of images [2], including artistic ones.

We will present an online case study investigating the cognitive and emotional implications of semantic aspects of artistic images and discuss the implications for studies in museum settings. We will discuss how this holistic methodology can be used to generate and visualize BSMs as a biomarker to capture the complexity of artistic experiences, from their sense-making process to their capacity for affordances. Our research provides a new researcher-friendly R code to analyze and visualize BSMs, aiming to contribute to the field of empirical aesthetics as well as other disciplinary fields.

Overall, this approach highlights the importance of considering the role of interoception in art experiences, providing a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the cognitive and emotional implications of engaging with art.
Evenementstitel1st Scientific Meeting on Psychology, Art, and Neuroaesthetics: organised by thematic group on Psychology of Art and Neuroaesthetics, PAN of Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, AIP
LocatieBergamo, ItalyToon op kaart
Mate van erkenningInternational