'European Migration and Refugee Crises: Contested Politics of Integration and Identity'

  • Vladimír Kmec (Invited speaker)

Activiteit: Academic presentationAcademic


at the Von Hugel Institute for Critical Catholic Inquiry and the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge (with Dr S. Silvestri, Cambridge) – The workshop brought together scholars from the universities of Cambridge, Sheffield, Belfast, Groningen (including presentations by E.K. Wilson and K. Knibbe), Bielefeld, Muenster, Nuremberg, Duesseldorf and Berlin to discuss recent migration and refugee crisis and to develop further collaboration. / funded by DAAD - £5,000
Evenementstitel'European Migration and Refugee Crises: Contested Politics of Integration and Identity'
LocatieCambridge, United KingdomToon op kaart