Navigating the Intersection of Art, Emotion, and Interoception

    Activiteit: Academic presentationAcademic


    Cognitive-corporal theories and the "4E" mind approach (cf. Burnett & Gallagher, 2020) highlight emotions as both cognitive and deeply bodily phenomena. This also holds true for those emotions that are elicited by art .Interoception, crucial for accessing internal bodily states, is pivotal in understanding emotions. Bodily Sensation Maps (BSMs, Nummenmaa et al., 2014) enable individuals to depict their bodily activations and deactivations through self-reporting, offering a holistic view of emotional reactions during art experiences. Our prior studies affirm BSMs' efficacy in exploring interoception of emotions in new media visual art (Schino et al., 2021) and multi-method museum studies (Schino et al., 2022). This presentation will cover the theoretical foundation behind BSMs, showcasing them as a comprehensive tool for studying embodied emotions in art appreciation, with a brief mention of studies that demonstrated its diverse applications across diverse research questions, settings, and art forms.
    EvenementstitelEHESS/UB Doctoral Workshop: Perspectives on aesthetic emotions
    LocatieParis, FranceToon op kaart
    Mate van erkenningInternational