NIOO Hublet for ASAB (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour) Winter Meeting 2022

Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic


We are organising an hublet for the ASAB winter meeting at NIOO on 6th and 7th December. The topic of this meeting is “Animal Movement” and will include various movement from small to large scale. You can find more information below or on the website

Besides watching the livestream of the talks, the hublet will give plenty of opportunities to socialise and network with other participants. There will be several coffee breaks and a long lunch break on each of the days.
Additionally, we want to give you the possibility to bring an old poster from a previous conference. To encourage people to read the posters, we will organise a small game.
OrganisatorAssociation for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB)
LocatieWageningen, NetherlandsToon op kaart