Reading 2.0: Benefits for students

Activiteit: Professional or public presentationProfessional


Talk held for the Three Minute Thesis competition from the University of Groningen, 2018.

Most teachers in secondary school find it difficult to motivate their students to learn. Especially in a course like history, where students ask themselves why they need to learn about “stuff some dead people did”, it can be hard to encourage students to read their textbooks. Next to that, it is hard for 12- and 13-year-olds to control their own learning process and to put deliberate effort into learning tasks.

Digital learning, for example via laptops or tablets, is often expected to be a solution for these problems. Today’s generation grew up with technology; if we use ICT in education, their performance and motivation will be better! My research investigates whether these assumptions are true and if a digital reading program can foster reading comprehension, self-regulation, and motivation in history classrooms. It seems that ‘reading 2.0’ can be beneficial for students, but the results vary a lot between different groups.
Evenementstitel3 Minute Thesis competition
LocatieGroningen, NetherlandsToon op kaart
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