SiA Symposium: "What is 'stress' exactly?
- Myroniuk Myroniuk, S. (Organiser)
- de Jonge, P. (Organiser)
- Isabel Mertins (Organiser)
- Meyer, M. (Organiser)
- Zhao, N. (Contributor)
- Eronen, M. (Contributor)
- van Zomeren, M. (Contributor)
- Batstra, L. (Contributor)
- Romeijn, J. (Contributor)
- Vrijen, C. (Attendee)
- den Hartigh, R. (Attendee)
- Bringmann, L. (Attendee)
- van der Gaag, M. (Attendee)
- Scheibe, S. (Attendee)
- Zhang, Y. (Attendee)
- Alysha Keuning (Attendee)
- Albers, C. (Attendee)
- Snippe, E. (Attendee)
- Eksteins, O. (Attendee)
- Bultmann, U. (Attendee)
- Petersen, F. (Attendee)
- Developmental Psychology
- Interdisciplinair Centrum voor Psychopathologie en Emotieregulatie
- Theoretische filosofie
- Interpersonal behaviour
- Ontwikkelings- en Gedragsstoornissen in Onderwijs en Zorg: Assessment en Interventie
- Psychometrics and Statistics
- Organizational Psychology
- Life Course Epidemiology (LCE)
- Public Health Research
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