The Participation of Young People in Decision-making: 3-dimensional Approach (Policy-making, Theory, and Practice)

    Activiteit: Academic presentationAcademic


    Young people are invisible in decision-making processes. This is due to the passive conceptualization of young people and their participation in legal settings and the lack of knowledge on working with them in theory and practice. Even though there is growing attention to young people’s participation in decision-making, such as in planning their cities or climate action, a 3-dimensional approach is missing, merging policy-making, theory, and practice to enable inclusive change. As young people are change-makers, their involvement in decision-making needs attention, provided with guidelines for adults to enable the participation of young people. Therefore, my contribution will explore a pathway to enable the mainstream participation of young people, building on the change theory.
    EvenementstitelEuropean Conference on Local Youth Work and Democracy
    LocatieBrussels, BelgiumToon op kaart
    Mate van erkenningInternational