I am an activist, I am Spartacus: when everyone is an activist online, is anyone?

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  • TitelI am an activist, I am Spartacus: when everyone is an activist online, is anyone?
    Mate van erkenningLocal
    Media naam/outletThe Boar: University of Warwick student newspaper
    Land/RegioUnited Kingdom
    Release datum14/09/2022
    BeschrijvingPosturing. Woke washing. Pandering. Clicktivism. It seems that people are finally aware that injustice is embedded into the foundations of our society, and they are now calling upon celebrities, and businesses to join in the fight against inequality. While this has led to greater awareness about issues such as sexual assault and police brutality, largely thanks to hashtags like MeToo and BLM, it has also led to a rise in self-proclaimed activists.
    Producent / auteurTriumph Arach
    PersonenHedy Greijdanus