Titel Journal Club: Female flies fight back against mate-guarding by males Mate van erkenning International Media naam/outlet PNAS Journal Club Mediatype Web Land/Regio United States Release datum 23/08/2016 Beschrijving After mating, males of many species take steps to keep their partners from having sex with other males. But some females may have evolved tricks to foil these measures. Researchers studying the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster have discovered that when females expel excess sperm after mating, they also get rid of a key pheromone that males leave behind to repel other would-be suitors. The findings, published on August 3 in Nature Communications, describe one of the first known observations of female defense in the animal kingdom against chemical mate-guarding. Producent / auteur Helen Shen URL Personen Jean-Christophe Billeter, Meghan Laturney