Novel potent antimicrobial from thermophilic bacterium

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University of Groningen microbiologists and their colleagues from Lithuania have discovered a new glycocin, a small antimicrobial peptide with a sugar group attached, which is produced by a thermophilic bacterium and is stable at relatively high temperatures. They also succeeded in transferring the genes required to produce this glycocin to an E. coli bacterium. This makes it easier to produce and investigate this compound, which could potentially be used in biofuel production. These findings were published in Nature Communications on 7 March.

The rise of antibiotic resistance has spurred the search for new antimicrobials. Bacteriocins – peptide toxins produced by bacteria to inhibit growth in similar or related bacterial strains – are a possible alternative to the more traditional antibiotics. Bacteriocins would also be useful to protect high-temperature fermentations mediated by thermophilic bacteria. But this would require the use of bacteriocins that are stable at higher temperatures.


Arnoldas Kaunietis | Photo University of VilniusArnoldas Kaunietis | Photo University of Vilnius

‘That is why we were interested to find that the thermophilic bacterium Aeribacillus palladius, isolated from soil above an oil well in Lithuania, appeared to produce an antibacterial peptide,’ says University of Groningen Professor of Molecular Biology, Oscar Kuipers. Thus far, purification and identification of the compound had not been successful. Therefore, PhD student Arnoldas Kaunietis from Vilnius University spent almost two years in Kuipers’ lab to solve the mystery. He is first author on the new paper.

By analysing genomic information from the Lithuanian bacteria using BAGEL4 software, developed by Anne de Jong and Auke van Heel in Kuipers’ group, genes that are responsible for the production of the bacteriocin were discovered and the final gene product was named pallidocin. The BAGEL4 software searches for gene clusters with the potential ability to produce novel antimicrobials.

Pallidocin | Illustration Oscar Kuipers / University of GroningenPallidocin | Illustration Oscar Kuipers / University of Groningen


The antimicrobial turned out to be a glycocin, belonging to a class of post-translationally modified peptides. This means that after its production, one or more functional groups are added to the peptide. In the case of glycocins, this functional group is a sugar. ‘Only five other glycocins were known thus far,’ says Kuipers.

In order to facilitate further research and engineering of this peptide, the genes responsible for the production of pallidocin were transferred to E. coli BL21 (DE3) bacteria. ‘The expression of the genes worked well, which is a real breakthrough, as it is difficult to express a whole antimicrobial gene cluster from a gram-positive bacterial strain directly in a gram-negative bacterium and to get the product secreted.’

Professor of Molecular Biology Oscar Kuipers | Photo Auke van HeelProfessor of Molecular Biology Oscar Kuipers | Photo Auke van Heel


After isolating pallidocin, the scientists were able to confirm that it is highly thermostable and exhibits an extremely strong activity against specific thermophilic bacteria. Furthermore, by using the sequence of pallidocin biosynthesis genes in BAGEL4, two similar peptides were discovered in two different strains of Bacillus bacteria. These peptides, named Hyp1 and Hyp2, were also successfully expressed in the E. coli strain. ‘This shows that the expression system works well for various glycocins; it is able to produce them in vivo’, says Kuipers.

Pallidocin might be useful in high-temperature fermentations, which are used to produce biofuels or chemical building blocks. The higher temperature makes it easier to recover volatile products such as ethanol, but also reduces the risk of contamination with common bacteria. However, contamination with thermophilic bacteria is possible. ‘Both pallidocin and Hyp1 appear to be active against thermophilic bacteria and some Bacillus species,’ says Kuipers. And there could be more applications: ‘Contamination by thermophiles is also a problem in the food industry.’

Reference: Arnoldas Kaunietis, Andrius Buivydas, Donaldas J. Čitavičius & Oscar P. Kuipers: Heterologous biosynthesis and characterization of a glycocin from a thermophilic bacterium. Nature Communications 7 March 2019





  • TitelNovel potent antimicrobial from thermophilic bacterium
    Mate van erkenningInternational
    Media naam/outletScience Linx - University of Groningen
    Release datum12/03/2019
    BeschrijvingUniversity of Groningen microbiologists and their colleagues from Lithuania have discovered a new glycocin, a small antimicrobial peptide with a sugar group attached, which is produced by a thermophilic bacterium and is stable at relatively high temperatures. They also succeeded in transferring the genes required to produce this glycocin to an E. coli bacterium. This makes it easier to produce and investigate this compound, which could potentially be used in biofuel production. These findings were published in Nature Communications on 7 March. The rise of antibiotic resistance has spurred the search for new antimicrobials. Bacteriocins – peptide toxins produced by bacteria to inhibit growth in similar or related bacterial strains – are a possible alternative to the more traditional antibiotics. Bacteriocins would also be useful to protect high-temperature fermentations mediated by thermophilic bacteria. But this would require the use of bacteriocins that are stable at higher temperatures. Mystery Arnoldas Kaunietis | Photo University of Vilnius Arnoldas Kaunietis | Photo University of Vilnius ‘That is why we were interested to find that the thermophilic bacterium Aeribacillus palladius, isolated from soil above an oil well in Lithuania, appeared to produce an antibacterial peptide,’ says University of Groningen Professor of Molecular Biology, Oscar Kuipers. Thus far, purification and identification of the compound had not been successful. Therefore, PhD student Arnoldas Kaunietis from Vilnius University spent almost two years in Kuipers’ lab to solve the mystery. He is first author on the new paper. By analysing genomic information from the Lithuanian bacteria using BAGEL4 software, developed by Anne de Jong and Auke van Heel in Kuipers’ group, genes that are responsible for the production of the bacteriocin were discovered and the final gene product was named pallidocin. The BAGEL4 software searches for gene clusters with the potential ability to produce novel antimicrobials. Pallidocin | Illustration Oscar Kuipers / University of Groningen Pallidocin | Illustration Oscar Kuipers / University of Groningen Sugar The antimicrobial turned out to be a glycocin, belonging to a class of post-translationally modified peptides. This means that after its production, one or more functional groups are added to the peptide. In the case of glycocins, this functional group is a sugar. ‘Only five other glycocins were known thus far,’ says Kuipers. In order to facilitate further research and engineering of this peptide, the genes responsible for the production of pallidocin were transferred to E. coli BL21 (DE3) bacteria. ‘The expression of the genes worked well, which is a real breakthrough, as it is difficult to express a whole antimicrobial gene cluster from a gram-positive bacterial strain directly in a gram-negative bacterium and to get the product secreted.’ Professor of Molecular Biology Oscar Kuipers | Photo Auke van Heel Professor of Molecular Biology Oscar Kuipers | Photo Auke van Heel Biofuel After isolating pallidocin, the scientists were able to confirm that it is highly thermostable and exhibits an extremely strong activity against specific thermophilic bacteria. Furthermore, by using the sequence of pallidocin biosynthesis genes in BAGEL4, two similar peptides were discovered in two different strains of Bacillus bacteria. These peptides, named Hyp1 and Hyp2, were also successfully expressed in the E. coli strain. ‘This shows that the expression system works well for various glycocins; it is able to produce them in vivo’, says Kuipers. Pallidocin might be useful in high-temperature fermentations, which are used to produce biofuels or chemical building blocks. The higher temperature makes it easier to recover volatile products such as ethanol, but also reduces the risk of contamination with common bacteria. However, contamination with thermophilic bacteria is possible. ‘Both pallidocin and Hyp1 appear to be active against thermophilic bacteria and some Bacillus species,’ says Kuipers. And there could be more applications: ‘Contamination by thermophiles is also a problem in the food industry.’ Reference: Arnoldas Kaunietis, Andrius Buivydas, Donaldas J. Čitavičius & Oscar P. Kuipers: Heterologous biosynthesis and characterization of a glycocin from a thermophilic bacterium. Nature Communications 7 March 2019
    Producent / auteurRene Fransen
    PersonenOscar Kuipers, Anne de Jong, Auke van Heel