Titel NIOZ doopt nieuw onderzoeksschip ‘Wim Wolff’ Mate van erkenning National Media naam/outlet Water Forum Mediatype Web Land/Regio Netherlands Release datum 16/02/2024 Beschrijving Donderdag 15 februari is in de haven van het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ) op Texel, de RV Wim Wolff gedoopt. Dit onderzoeksschip vervangt de RV Navicula, die veertig jaar dienstdeed in het kustonderzoek. Het nieuwe schip is vernoemd naar de nestor van het ecologisch onderzoek rond de Waddenzee, die in 2018 overleed. URL Personen Tjisse van der Heide Titel With new RV Wim Wolff, Dutch coastal research can face the future Mate van erkenning National Media naam/outlet NIOZ News Mediatype Web Land/Regio Netherlands Release datum 16/02/2024 Beschrijving Thursday, February 15th, the RV Wim Wolff was christened in the harbor of the NIOZ on Texel. This Research Vessel (RV) replaces the RV Navicula, which served for four decades in coastal research. The new vessel is named after the godfather of ecological research in the Wadden Sea, who passed away in 2018. "With the Wim Wolff, we have a comfortable, innovative and, above all, a sustainable vessel, with which we can face the future of research in the North Sea coastal zone, the Southwest Delta and the Wadden Sea," says Aarnoud van de Burgt, the head of NIOZ's National Marine Facilities Department. Producent / auteur NIOZ URL Personen Tjisse van der Heide Titel Research vessel Wim Wolff ready for action Mate van erkenning International Media naam/outlet SWZ Maritime Mediatype Web Land/Regio Netherlands Release datum 09/02/2024 Beschrijving Thursday, 15 February, the RV Wim Wolff will be christened in the harbour of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) on Texel. This research vessel (RV) replaces the RV Navicula, which served for four decades in coastal research.
The new vessel is named after the godfather of ecological research in the Wadden Sea, who passed away in 2018.
‘With the Wim Wolff, we have a comfortable, innovative and, above all, a sustainable vessel, with which we can face the future of research in the North Sea coastal zone, the Southwest Delta and the Wadden Sea,’ says Aarnoud van de Burgt, the head of NIOZ‘s National Marine Facilities Department.URL Personen Tjisse van der Heide