Additional file 10 of Correction for both common and rare cell types in blood is important to identify genes that correlate with age

  • Slagboom (Contributor)
  • Dorret I Boomsma (Contributor)
  • Harm Jan Westra (Contributor)
  • M. Arfan Ikram (Contributor)
  • Annique Claringbould (Contributor)
  • Damiano Pellegrino Coppola (Contributor)
  • Lude Franke (Contributor)
  • Maartje Stutvoet (Contributor)



Additional file 10: Table S10. Overlap of IM- and EM-related genes with the known aging-related genes in the GenAge database.
Datum van beschikbaarheid16-mrt.-2021
UitgeverUniversity of Groningen
Datum van data-aanmaak15-mrt.-2021

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