Additional file 6: Table S2. of Single-cell sequencing reveals karyotype heterogeneity in murine and human malignancies

  • Bjorn Bakker (Contributor)
  • Aaron Taudt (Contributor)
  • Mirjam E. Belderbos (Contributor)
  • David Porubský (Contributor)
  • Diana C.J. Spierings (Contributor)
  • Tristan de Jong (Contributor)
  • Nancy Halsema (Contributor)
  • Inge de Groote-Kazemier (Contributor)
  • Karina Hoekstra-Wakker (Contributor)
  • Allan Bradley (Contributor)
  • Eveline de Bont (Contributor)
  • Anke van den Berg (Contributor)
  • Victor Guryev (Contributor)
  • Peter M. Lansdorp (Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Agency, University of British Columbia) (Contributor)
  • Maria Colomé-Tatché (Institute of Computational Biology) (Contributor)
  • Floris Foijer (Contributor)



Simulating the effects of different aneuploidies on the aneuploidy and heterogeneity score. Table showing the effect of modelling various aneuploidies on the aneuploidy and heterogeneity scores. (XLSX 42 kb)
Datum van beschikbaarheid14-dec.-2016
UitgeverUniversity of Groningen

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