CRC State reports "Tobacco control"

  • Marie Elske Gispen (Contributor)
  • J. Veraldi (Contributor)
  • Meaghan Beyer (Contributor)
  • Nicole Rusli (Contributor)
  • Brigit Toebes (Contributor)



This data set has been developed as part of a three-year study into children's rights and tobacco control carried out at the Global Health Law Groningen Research Centre of the University of Groningen and is financed by the Dutch Cancer Society. The sponsor has not been involved in any of the study design, data collection and analysis nor writing of any product based on this database. Methods include systematic searches of all state reports submitted to the Committee on the Rights of the Child up until March 2018. Search terms used include *tobacco, *smoking. All reports are referenced by date of publication and hyperlinked. Main results are published in M.E.C. Gispen and B.C.A. Toebes, 'The Human Rights of Children in Tobacco Control' (2019) Human Rights Quarterly (accepted, appears in May 2019 issue). Contibutors: M.E.C. Gispen, M.A. Beyer, J.V. Veraldi, N. Rusli, and B.C.A. Toebes. All rights reserved.
Datum van beschikbaarheid20-mrt.-2019
Datum van data-aanmaak2019

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