Data presented in the paper "Landscapes of facilitation: how self-organized patchiness of aquatic macrophytes promotes diversity in streams"

  • Loreta Cornacchia (Utrecht University) (Contributor)
  • Johan van de Koppel (Contributor)
  • Daphne van der Wal (Contributor)
  • Geraldene Wharton (Contributor)
  • Sara Puijalon (Contributor)
  • Tjeerd J. Bouma (Utrecht University) (Contributor)



This dataset contains the experimental data and modelling presented in the paper “Landscapes of facilitation: how self-organized patchiness of aquatic macrophytes promotes diversity in streams”, with the above contributors as authors, published in Ecology. The dataset contains the underlying data (model outputs, field data) and scripts (for model and aerial picture analyses) presented in the manuscript.
Datum van beschikbaarheid25-jan.-2018
UitgeverUniversity of Groningen

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