EXCEPTIUS dataset v2.0



Version 1.0 of the EXCEPTIUS project dataset (v.1.0) tracked all exceptional measures in the field of democratic governance/ human rights and international cooperation issued by national authorities in European Union (EU) countries (including UK and Switzerland, excluding Iceland) in order to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic from January to June 2020. The dataset also provides data on the implementation modalities of such measures. Version 2.0 now includes data on measures issued for subnational authorities (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK) and covers the second (July- December 2020) and third (January-April 2021) waves. It also includes a new type event (10, emergency decision-making) allowing to distinguish between countries who implemented a state of emergency (type event 1) and countries which implemented emergency measures without activating state of emergency provisions.
Datum van beschikbaarheid29-sep.-2022

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