Groningen Zooarchaeological Collections 2016: Vertebrates



The dataset includes the complete information on the vertebrate skeletons present in the Zooarchaeological Collections of the Groningen Institute of Archaeology, located in Groningen, the Netherlands. The collection dates back to the late 19th century and consists mainly of recent individuals. Special archaeological specimens (for example aurochs) are also present. The collection is open to Dutch and international researchers, students, and commercial users. The dataset is meant as an aid to prepare work and study visits. Short-term loans for exhibition, teaching, and analysis are possible. Currently, the dataset includes 4907 vertebrate specimens and include fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals. The majority of the specimens consist of complete skeletons. Most taxa are endemic to Europe and the Near East. Information in the dataset vary from taxonomic identification (down to species, subspecies, even breed level), age, sex, origin, skeletal parts present. The dataset is in English, with minimal use of abbreviations and phrases in Dutch. Summary information about the collections’ properties (e.g. how many different species, from which countries etc) are provided here: All specimens have a “GIA number”, which must be provided to the collection managers in all correspondence.
Datum van beschikbaarheid2016
UitgeverUniversity of Groningen
Datum van data-aanmaak2016
Geografische dekkingNetherlands, Europe, Middle East, Indonesia, USA, Russia, South Africa

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