Replication data in the form of simulation outputs for "The joint evolution of animal movement and competition strategies"

  • Pratik Rajan Gupte (Creator)
  • Christoph FG Netz (Creator)
  • Franjo Weissing (Creator)



This version of the data is a re-upload of an identical dataset uploaded to DataverseNL. The data are being uploaded here for uniformity of archiving with the other supplementary materials accompanying the manuscript, "The joint evolution of animal movement and competition strategies", which is accepted for publication in The American Naturalist. The dataset consists of a single zipped folder, data/, which contains subfolders with the simulation specific data. These subfolders are named 'sim_SCENARIO_rep_NNN_gro_RMAX', where 'SCENARIO' refers to the three scenarios of the model described in our manuscript, 'NNN' is the replicate number, and 'RMAX' is the maximum cell productivity in that simulation. Each of the subfolders consists of the following: The directory ‘depends/’, which holds the ‘extract.exe’ program. This program is used to extract specific data from the stored simulation output. The ‘sourceMe.R’ file allows the ‘extract.exe’ program to be linked to R, delivering the required data as a list object that can be handled in R. The stored simulation data on agents, as a series of ‘.arc’ and ‘.bin’ files. The ecological snapshots of the landscape, with prey items, foragers, kleptoparasites, and handlers (depending on the scenario), which are stored as PNG files named ‘00NNN.png’, where NNN is a three digit representation of the generation number (e.g. 001 for generation 1). Cumulative sums of the numbers of prey items, foragers, kleptoparasites, the intake from foraging (searching for prey), and the intake from the kleptoparasitic strategy (searching for handlers), on each cell of the landscape, for each of the last 9 generations of the simulation, as ‘NNN.txt’, where LAYER may be ‘items’ (prey items), ‘foragers’ (foragers), ‘klepts’ (kleptoparasites), ‘foragers_intake’ (the intake from the foraging strategy), or ‘klepts_intake’ (the intake due the kleptoparasite strategy. NB: These files are not used in our analyses, and may be ignored. 'SCENARIO' may be one of “foragers” (scenario 1), “obligate” (scenario 2), or “facultative” (scenario 3). 'NNN' may be one of “001”, “002”, or “003”. 'RMAX' may be one of “0.001”, “0.005”, “0.01”, “0.02”, “0.03”, “0.04”, or “0.05”. The manuscript presents results for 'RMAX' = 0.01.
Datum van beschikbaarheid13-mrt.-2023

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