Replication data: Quantification and Qualification of Bacteria Trapped in Chewed Gums

  • Stefan Wessel (Creator)
  • Henny van der Mei (Contributor)
  • David Morando (Contributor)
  • Anje Slomp (Contributor)
  • Betsy van de Belt-Gritter (Contributor)
  • Amarnath Maitra (Contributor)



Chewing of gum contributes to the maintenance of oral health. Many oral diseases, including caries and periodontal disease, are caused by bacteria.
Here, we hypothesize that chewing of gum can trap bacteria and remove them from the oral cavity. To test this hypothesis, we developed two methods to quantify numbers of bacteria trapped in chewed gum.
Datum van beschikbaarheid9-dec.-2014
UitgeverUniversity of Groningen

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