Supplement 1. Plot x species matrix table and a species x traits matrix table

  • Fons van der Plas (Contributor)
  • Thijs Janzen (Contributor)
  • Alejandro Ordonez (Contributor)
  • Wimke Crets - Fokkema (Contributor)
  • Josephine Reinders (Contributor)
  • Rampal Etienne (Contributor)
  • Han Olff (Contributor)



File List plot_x_species.txt (MD5: 6b850f1de36a0eb9ed03fa4a9713e30d) species_trait.txt (MD5: 00f69112ddfc37a6081b20069bcd89ee) Description plot_x_species.txt
variable names: plot: a column with plot names ACABOR … ZIZMUC (105 columns in total): columns with abundances of different species. Species names are abbreviated with the first three letters of the genus names and the first three letters of the species name. species_trait.txt
variable names: species: a column with species names SLA, LA, FD, SL, SD, BA, WD, polyphenols, C, N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu: columns with trait values. For more information on trait descriptions, see Appendix.
Datum van beschikbaarheid10-aug.-2016
UitgeverUniversity of Groningen

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