File List -- (all files at once) Description contains files to calculate the parameters that maximize the likelihood of a particular species-abundance data set in multiple samples where dispersal limitation may differ across samples. It runs under PARI/gp which can be downloaded for free from Put all files in the PARI/examples folder. Then open “” in any editor and read the instructions (where the species-abundance data should be put) and start the program by typing read("") at the PARI/GP prompt, or by \r, depending on what version of PARI/GP you are using. The output will be, for each sample: the sample number, the sample size, the number of species in the sample, Fisher's alpha, the θ-value obtained by maximizing the likelihood given by the Ewens sampling formula, the Ewens maximum-likelihood itself, the θ-value obtained by the two-stage approach, the m-value obtained by the two-stage approach, the I-value obtained by the two-stage approach, and the Etienne (2005) likelihood for these parameter values if this sample was considered in isolation. Note: the total likelihood will not be the sum of the sample likelihoods, because the order of the species matters in the multple sample case.