"Table 1" of "Evidence for e+e− →γχc1,2 at center-of-mass energies from 4.009 to 4.360 GeV"

  • M. Ablikim (Contributor)
  • M. N. Achasov (Contributor)
  • X.C. Ai (Contributor)
  • O. Albayrak (Contributor)
  • M. Albrecht (Contributor)
  • D.J. Ambrose (Contributor)
  • A. Amoroso (Contributor)
  • Olga Bondarenko (Contributor)
  • Zahra Haddadi (Contributor)
  • Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (Contributor)
  • Myroslav Kavatsyuk (Contributor)
  • Herbert Löhner (Contributor)
  • Johan Messchendorp (Contributor)
  • Marcel Tiemens (Contributor)



    The results on $e^+e^-\to\gamma\chi_{c0}$ Born cross section measurement. Shown in the table are the significance $\sigma$, detection efficiency $\epsilon$, number of signal events from the fits N$^{\rm obs}$, radiative correction factor ($1+\delta^{r}$), vacuum polarization factor ($1+\delta^{v}$), upper limit (at the 90$\%$ C.L.) on the number of signal events N$^{\rm UP}$, Born cross section $\sigma^{B}$ and upper limit (at the 90$\%$ C.L.) on the Born cross section $\sigma^{\rm UP}$ at different CME points. Numbers taken from journal version: some slight differences with respect to arXiv:1411.6336v1 in last two columns.
    Datum van beschikbaarheid2016

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