Activiteiten per jaar
- 100 - 150 van 222 resultaten
Why unification is better than reconciliation: the case of institutions
Hindriks, F. (Speaker)
feb.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Problem of Insignificant Hands
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
sep.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference 'Political Philosophy: Legitimacy and Self-Determination Processes'
Vega, J. (Keynote speaker)
30-mrt.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference 'Republicanism, Women's Empowerment and Democratic Politics'
Vega, J. (Keynote speaker)
28-nov.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Commentary on Lisa Guenther's Solitary Confinement: Social Death and its Afterlives
Knowles, C. (Invited speaker)
19-jun.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Beyond Adaptive Preferences: Rethinking Women's Complicity in Their Own Subordination
Knowles, C. (Speaker)
26-apr.-2019 → 28-apr.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Comment on Chapter 3: "How Exploiters Dominate"
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
13-sep.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Epistemic corporate culture: Knowledge and common knowledge
Bruin, de, B. (Speaker)
2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Social Ontology, Social Struggle, and Critique
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
26-aug.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Norms that Make a Difference: Institutions and Normative Expectations
Hindriks, F. (Speaker)
jul.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Kant’s Conception of Moral Strength
Vujosevic, M. (Speaker)
16-nov.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Privacy in Public: A Democratic Defense
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
30-jan.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Common Knowledge in (Improvised) Joint Activity
Rooij, de, B. (Speaker)
24-aug.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Social Ontology 2019
Rooij, de, B. (Speaker)
22-aug.-2019 → 24-aug.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Book symposium on Unbelievable Errors, by Bart Streumer
Evers, D. (Invited speaker)
9-mei-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Summer School "Ideology"
Stahl, T. (Invited speaker)
16-jul.-2018 → 20-jul.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Democracy in Public A Democratic Defense
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
10-apr.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
7-okt.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Spectatorship between submission and redemption: Benjamin, Adorno, Kracauer.
Vega, J. (Keynote speaker)
24-jul.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Different ways of operating with Heidegger
Knowles, C. (Speaker)
25-okt.-2018 → 26-okt.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Society for Phenomenological Philosophy 11th Annual Meeting
Knowles, C. (Speaker)
1-feb.-2018 → 2-feb.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Feminist Phenomenology after Beauvoir
Knowles, C. (Speaker)
28-mei-2018 → 30-mei-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Navigating the Grey Zone: Complicity, Resistance and Solidarity
Knowles, C. (Speaker)
25-jun.-2018 → 27-jun.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Society for European Philosophy 2018 SEP-FEP Joint Annual Conference
Knowles, C. (Speaker)
18-jun.-2018 → 20-jun.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Colloquium Philosophy and the Social Sciences
Stahl, T. (Invited speaker)
16-mei-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Descent of Moral Sentiment
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
2017Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
ozsw spring meeting study group moral psychology and metaethics
Evers, D. (Speaker)
6-jun.-2017Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
International Conference ‘Gender and Sovereignity in European Politics and Culture'.
Vega, J. (Keynote speaker)
18-dec.-2017Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Division of the American Society for Aesthetics, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Evers, D. (Speaker)
7-jul.-2017Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Jornadas Teoría de la Verdad: Crítica y Hermenéutica
Stahl, T. (Invited speaker)
3-nov.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Collective Intentionality X
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
3-aug.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Lecture Series: "The Philosophy of Social Functions" (DFG Network: Social Functions)
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
3-feb.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
EIPE Research Seminar
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
29-feb.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference on Diversity and Food Policy
Schmidt, A. (Invited speaker)
sep.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
OZSW Groningen 2016
Evers, D. (Speaker)
9-dec.-2016 → 10-dec.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Philosophical Colloquium Essen
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
jan.-2016 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Hope - Social and Political Perspectives
Stahl, T. (Speaker)
7-jun.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Workshop Reassessing Responsibility
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
mei-2016 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Hope and Optimism Mid-Term Conference
Stahl, T. (Invited speaker)
16-jun.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Shared Actions and Collective Responsibilities: How to Construct or Resist Social Reality
Stahl, T. (Invited speaker)
23-apr.-2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
TINT Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, PoSS Seminar
Hindriks, F. (Speaker)
mei-2015 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference on the Ethics of Economic Institutions
Hindriks, F. (Speaker)
jan.-2015 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
TINT Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Brown Bag Seminar
Hindriks, F. (Speaker)
mei-2015 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Social Complexes 2: Perspectives from Metaphysics, Ethics, and the Philosophy of Action
Hindriks, F. (Invited speaker)
mei-2015 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference on Experimental Philosophy
Hindriks, F. (Speaker)
nov.-2015 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference 'Tracing the Path of Tolerance. History and critique of a political concept from the early modern period to the contemporary debate'.
Vega, J. (Invited speaker)
26-mei-2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
ozsw spring meeting study group metaethics and moral psychology
Evers, D. (Speaker)
10-apr.-2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic