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We are interested in all aspects of self-organisation in social systems. In our models we try to produce complex phenomena by self-organisation as a side-effect of interactions of individuals with their environment. At present our focus is on predatory attacks of schools of fish and flocks of birds and on social systems of birds and primates.
A fundamental evolutionary question is whether and how the guidance strategy of birds of prey during aerial hunting has been shaped by natural selection. To answer this, we need to integrate mechanism and function in an evolutionary study (Evo-mecho approach). For this, we use a computational model within the framework of complexity science. Our aim is to:
From the perspective of the prey, we aim to gain understanding about collective patterns of escape. In a combined modeling and empirical study in cooperation with University of Toulouse, France, we investigate the collective response of a school of fish when being attacked by a predator. Our aim is to:
In primates we are investigating the self-organisation of inter-sexual dominance. We develop new measures of dominance style.
Persoon: Wetenschappelijk Personeel
Persoon: Wetenschappelijk Personeel
Persoon: Wetenschappelijk Personeel
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Hemelrijk, C. (Speaker)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Puentes-Escamilla, M. (Speaker), Schweinfurth, M. (Contributor) & Hemelrijk, C. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Seex, L. (Speaker), Hielkema, T. (Contributor) & Hemelrijk, C. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Haeringen ,van, E. (Contributor) & Hemelrijk, C. (Contributor), DataverseNL, 17-okt.-2022
DOI: 10.34894/3ocvc7
Hogan, B. G. (Creator), Hildenbrandt, H. (Creator), Scott-Samuel, N. E. (Creator), Cuthill, I. C. (Creator) & Hemelrijk, C. K. (Creator), The Royal Society, 28-dec.-2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4498982
Seex, L. (Contributor), Sacca', T. (Contributor) & Hemelrijk, C. (Contributor), DataverseNL, 18-okt.-2022
DOI: 10.34894/fx1r29
20/11/2023 → 21/11/2023
2 items van Media-aandacht, 1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Onderzoek › Popular
Storms, R., Hemelrijk, C. & Papadopoulou, M.
06/06/2022 → 02/11/2023
14 items van Media-aandacht, 1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Onderzoek › Popular
18/10/2023 → 30/10/2023
1 item van Media-aandacht, 3 Mediabijdrages
Pers / media: Expert Comment › Popular
Hemelrijk, C. K. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Verhulst, S. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Storms, R. (PhD student) & Papadopoulou, M. (PhD student)
01/04/2017 → 01/04/2021
Project: Research
Hemelrijk, C. K. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Mills, R. (PhD student) & Hildenbrandt, H. (Technician)
01/06/2014 → 01/01/2020
Project: Research
Hemelrijk, C. (Recipient), 20-jun.-2023
Prijs: Other distinction › Academic
Hemelrijk, C. (Recipient), 2002
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively › Academic