Kuijer, B., 2014, Pristine Perspectives on Logic, Language and Computation: ESSLLI 2012 and ESSLLI 2013 Student Sessions, Selected Papers. Colinet, M., Katrenko, S. & Rendsvig, R. (uitgave). Springer, blz. 109-123 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 8607).
Demey, L. & Kooi, B., 2014, Johan van Benthem on Logic and Information. Baltag, A. & Smets, S. (uitgave). Springer, Vol. 5. blz. 381-40424 blz. (Oustanding Contributions to Logic; vol. 5).
Maffezioli, P., Ciabattoni, A. & Spendier, L., 2013, Automated reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods. Galmiche, D. & Larchey-Wendling, D. (uitgave). Heidelberg: Springer, blz. 81-96 (Lecture notes in computer science; vol. 8123).
Kuijer, B., 2013, Logic, Rationality and Interaction: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-IV), LNCS 8196. Grossi, D., Roy, O. & Huang, H. (uitgave). Springer, blz. 190-203