Activiteiten per jaar
- 16 resultaten
Negotiating digital media use within transnational families
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker)
7-dec.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Media and Communication (Tijdschrift)
Bozdag , Ç. (Editorial board member)
2023 → …Activiteit: Peer-review › Academic
Aneignung von automatisierten Kommunikationsmedien. Datenkompetenz von Jugendlichen mit sozioökonomischer Benachteiligung
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker)
31-mei-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Digital literacy from the margins: Cosmopolitan aspirations and informal learning on social media
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker) & Costa, E. (Speaker)
22-jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
New Media and Society (Tijdschrift)
Bozdag, Ç. (Peer reviewer)
12-sep.-2023Activiteit: Peer-review › Academic
Unsichtbarkeiten in den Medien in Beziehung auf Intersektionalität und Teilhabe
Bozdag, Ç. (Keynote speaker)
17-nov.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Transnational media use among youth with migration background in Germany. A discussion on cosmopolitanism from below
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker)
13-jul.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Cosmopolitanism from below and the multilingual use of digital media among young people in the postmigrant society
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker) & Karakasoglu, Y. (Speaker)
21-jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
“Digital Inclusion of Marginalised Young People. A Case Study from Germany”
Bozdag, Ç. (Invited speaker)
2-nov.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Role of Schools for the Digital Inclusion of Marginalised Young People. A Case Study from Germany
Bozdag , Ç. (Speaker)
21-okt.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Pandemische Schulzeiten. Fallstudie einer Bremer Oberschule zu digitaler Ungleichheit
Bozdag, Ç. (Invited speaker)
16-jun.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Digital Inequalities and young people in the urban migration society. An Intersectional approach
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker)
22-apr.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Partisanship and (dis)trust as key factors for understanding the perception of misinformation on social media in the context of polarization
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker) & Kocer, S. (Speaker)
9-sep.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Digital inclusion through dissemination of iPads during the Covid19 pandemic? A participatory action research in a German secondary school
Bozdag, Ç. (Speaker)
14-sep.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Intercultural Media Literacy
Bozdag, Ç. (Invited speaker) & Leurs, K. (Invited speaker)
2-okt.-2020Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Transnational families and media practices: methods, ethics and critical approaches
Bozdag , Ç. (Speaker)
31-dec.-2007Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic