Activiteiten per jaar
- 38 resultaten
Post-bariatrische complicaties; post-bariatrische hypoglycemieën
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
8-mrt.-2024Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Diabetes Update - GLP-1 analogen
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
12-jan.-2024Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Rol van darmhormonen bij de preventie van cardiovasculaire ziekten bij obesitas
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
27-mrt.-2024Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Thema-avond Hypoglycemieën
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
1-feb.-2023Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Tirzepatide: grensverleggend in diabeteszorg
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
14-jul.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Endocrinologie basiscursus – Obesitas
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
1-dec.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Novo Nordisk Advisory Board WCN
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
18-dec.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
oppositie promotie Martin Lundqvist Uppsala
van Beek, A. (Member of Assessment Committee)
8-sep.-2023Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Obesitas Update - Is uw ziekenhuis voldoende ingericht op de obese patiënt?
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
31-mrt.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
visie op de inzet farmacotherapie bij obesitas en type 2 diabetes
van Beek, A. (Advisor)
dec.-2023Activiteit: Consultancy › Academic
Regionale nascholing huisartsen: Aan de slag met de nieuwe NHG standaard Diabetes type 2
van Beek, A. (Lecturer)
15-jun.-2022Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Professional
Regionale nascholing huisartsen: Obesitas overleg 2022
van Beek, A. (Lecturer)
7-jul.-2022Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Professional
Nieuwe incretines, hoe werken ze en wat kunnen we verwachten?
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
3-nov.-2022Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Erasmuscursus: Diabetes Mellitus type 2 op zijn Nederlands
van Beek, A. (Lecturer)
6-okt.-2022 → 7-okt.-2022Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Professional
Hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
30-nov.-2021Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Popular
Obesitas, wat moet ik daar nu mee...?
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
13-okt.-2021Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV) (Externe Organisatie)
Beek, van, A. (Member)
2020Activiteit: Membership › Professional
‘Wat er allemaal niet goed kan gaan na bariatrische chirurgie’
Beek, van, A. (Invited speaker)
17-dec.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Klinefelter Regiodag
van Beek, A. P. (Organiser)
6-apr.-2019Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Popular
Optimizing hydrocortisone substitution therapy
Beek, van, A. (Invited speaker)
25-apr.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Bariatrie en farmacotherapeutische oplossingen voor type 2 diabetes en obesitas
van Beek, A. (Speaker)
28-mrt.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Bariatrie en farmacotherapeutische oplossingen voor type 2 diabetes en obesitas
Beek, van, A. (Speaker)
12-feb.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Bariatrie en farmacotherapeutische oplossingen voor type 2 diabetes en obesitas
Beek, van, A. (Speaker)
7-mrt.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
'The Medical Perspective'
Beek, van, A. (Speaker)
6-apr.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Obesity and diabetes, what are the options?
Beek, van, A. (Speaker)
8-okt.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Prevalence of postprandial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia in a random population after primary Roux-en-Y gastric bypass during a mixed meal tolerance test
Beek, van, A. (Invited speaker)
21-mei-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Prevalence and pathophysiology of early dumping in patients after primary Roux-en-Y gastric bypass during mixed meal tolerance test
van Beek, A. P. (Speaker)
26-jan.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
CVOT for Semaglutide Effects on Heart Disease and Stroke in Patients With Overweight or Obesity (SELECT)
van Beek, A. P. (Advisor)
2018 → …Activiteit: Consultancy › Academic
Pharmacokinetics of oral hydrocortisone - Results and implications from a randomized controlled trial
van Beek, A. P. (Speaker)
25-jan.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Speaker during Diabetes Jaar in Beeld 2018
van Beek, A. P. (Invited speaker)
28-nov.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Nederlandse internisten vereniging voor obesitas (NIVO) (Externe Organisatie)
van Beek, A. P. (Member of board)
2016 → …Activiteit: Membership › Academic
Expert for KIMS steering committee
van Beek, A. P. (Consultant)
2014 → …Activiteit: Consultancy › Academic
Dutch Association of Endocrinology (NVE) (Externe Organisatie)
van Beek, A. P. (Member)
2003 → …Activiteit: Membership › Academic
Dutch Association for Diabetes Research (NVDO) (Externe Organisatie)
van Beek, A. P. (Member)
2003 → …Activiteit: Membership › Academic
European Society for Endocrinology (Externe Organisatie)
van Beek, A. P. (Member)
2003 → …Activiteit: Membership › Academic
Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (NIV) (Externe Organisatie)
van Beek, A. P. (Member)
2003 → …Activiteit: Membership › Academic