Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 62 resultaten
De mensen achter de grote getallen. Een empirisch-juridisch onderzoek naar de belangen van benadeelden in situaties van massaschade
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
2-feb.-2024Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Academic
Het algemene opschortingsrecht
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
30-mei-2024Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Academic
Tourists, Consumer Contracts and Private International Law in the EU and China
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
15-jul.-2024Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Handhaving informatieplichten
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
12-apr.-2024Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Amending the French group action: third time’s a charm?
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
15-jun.-2023 → 16-jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Aansprakelijkheid voor onrechtmatige rechtspraak
Pavillon, C. (Member of PhD Examining Committee)
30-nov.-2023Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Applying the right to a fair trial to alternative consumer dispute resolution: the Case of the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
17-apr.-2023Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Ignorance is bliss - How its ex officio application became the raison d’être of the UCTD
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
6-jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
De handhavende rol van de civiele rechter in het consumentenrecht
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
4-apr.-2023Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Buy Now Pay Later
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
23-jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Werkveldconferentie Ambtshalve toetsing
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
31-jan.-2023Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Een privaatrechtelijke tik op de vingers? Over hoe de civiele rechter zich langzaamaan tot consumententoezichthouder ontpopte
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
31-okt.-2023Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Popular
Regulating transparency in sustainable value chains
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
3-nov.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Enforcing EU Consumer and Market Law, Ex officio enforcement of the Consumer Rights Directive by civil courts
Tigelaar, L. (Speaker) & Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
19-jan.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Nudging in het contractenrecht ter bescherming van zwakkere partijen
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
21-apr.-2023Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Academic
The Quest for Legal Certainty in French Contract Law: the Recent Reform's Double-edged Sword
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
10-mei-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Les conditions de formation et de validité
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
30-sep.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Ex officio Enforcement of the Consumer Rights Directive: The Dutch Perspective
Pavillon, C. (Speaker) & Tigelaar, L. (Speaker)
15-dec.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Effective, proportionate and dissuasive remedies against violations of rights guaranteed by the EU: a cross-sectoral perspective
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
26-mei-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Afschrikkend privaatrecht: civielrechtelijke handhaving van EU-internemarktrecht
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
3-mrt.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Major challenges in integrating sustainability objectives in (EU) consumer law
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
18-mei-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Algemene voorwaarden & duurzaamheid. Status: it's complicated.
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
20-mei-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Congres International Class Action Regimes and Settling Mass Personal Injury
Pavillon, C. (Organiser), Verheij, A. (Organiser) & Wissink, P. (Organiser)
4-jun.-2021Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Professional
Ambtshalve toepassing van EU-recht door de Belgische burgerlijke rechter
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
19-feb.-2021Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Academic
Dexia en de gevolgen van de vernietiging
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
29-mrt.-2021Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
ELS en het Nederlandse consumentenrecht: informatie- en transparantieverplichtingen
de Jager, C. (Speaker) & Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
12-mrt.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Artikel 7:25 BW: een analyse van oorsprong, strekking en reikwijdte
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
3-dec.-2021Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Academic
De overeenkomst over digitale inhoud in een B2C rechtsverhouding
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
9-apr.-2021Activiteit: Examination, teaching and supervision external institution › Academic
Transnational Training Workshop
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
3-feb.-2020Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
De kredietwaardigheidstoets bij kredietverlening aan consumenten
Cherednychenko, O. (Supervisor), Wissink, M. (Supervisor), Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee), Mak, V. (Member of Assessment Committee) & Weishaar, S. (Member of Assessment Committee)
18-jun.-2020Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
De impact van corona op het privaatrecht
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
6-okt.-2020Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Symposium: Sancties in het consumentenrecht, effectief, proportioneel én afschrikwekkend?
Pavillon, C. (Organiser)
6-sep.-2019Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Professional
A New Deal for Civil Justice?
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
11-apr.-2019 → 12-apr.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Symposium: Sancties in het consumentenrecht, effectief, proportioneel én afschrikwekkend?
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
6-sep.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Preparatory meeting with representatives of academia on future EU Consumer policy
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
7-mrt.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
EU private international law on the law applicable to cross-border contracts involving weaker contracting parties: towards EU market integration?
Pavillon, C. (Member of Assessment Committee)
12-dec.-2019Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Enforcing Consumer and Capital Market Law in Europe
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
23-mei-2019 → 24-mei-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Gebundelde EU kennis is nationale kracht
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
26-sep.-2019Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Sancties op oneerlijkheid
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
21-sep.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Ambtshalve toetsing van algemene voorwaarden
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
16-apr.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Actualiteiten consumentenrecht
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
4-dec.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Consumentenrecht: verleden, heden en toekomst.
Pavillon, C. (Organiser) & Tigelaar, L. (Organiser)
29-jun.-2018Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Masterclass Consumentenrecht Autoriteit Consument & Markt
Tigelaar, L. (Speaker) & Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
13-nov.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
'Kat in de zak gekocht?'
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
27-sep.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Contracteren. Tijdschrift voor de contractspraktijk (Externe Organisatie)
Pavillon, C. (Member of board)
2018 → …Activiteit: Membership › Academic
Wat zijn de grenzen van consumentenarbitrage? Een bijzondere focus op e-Court en bouwgeschillen
Pavillon, C. (Speaker)
6-dec.-2018Activiteit: Professional or public presentation › Professional
Algemene voorwaarden – 25 jaar toetsing van oneerlijke bedingen
Pavillon, C. (Organiser)
24-apr.-2018Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Professional
Seminar 'EU Law and Private Law Remedies
Pavillon, C. (Invited speaker)
22-okt.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law
Pavillon, C. (Contributor)
25-jul.-2018Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic