Edoardo Iani, MSc

  • Landleven12

    9747 AD Groningen


Conference contribution


  • 2020

    A MUSE inquiry into the physical processes taking place within the Abell 2667 Brightest Cluster Galaxy

    Iani, E., Rodighiero, G., Fritz, J., Cresci, G., Mancini, C., Tozzi, P., Rodríguez-Muñoz, L., Rosati, P., Caminha, G. B., Berta, S., Cassata, P., Concas, A., Enia, A., Fadda, D., Franceschini, A., Liu, A., Mercurio, A., Morselli, L., Pérez-González, P. G. & Popesso, P. & 2 anderen, Sabatini, G. & Zanella, A., 1-jan.-2020, Challenges in Panchromatic Modelling withNext Generation Facilities: Proceedings. Boquien, M., Lusso, E., Gruppioni, C. & Tissera, P. (uitgave). Cambridge University Press, Vol. 15. blz. 83-87 5 blz. (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union ; vol. 15, nr. S341).

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

    Open Access
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