• Nijenborgh9

    9747 AG Groningen


Persoonlijk profiel


My research interest lies at the intersection of machine learning, robotics, and machine vision, particularly, at the area of open-ended learning3D object perceptiongrasp affordance detection, and object manipulation. I am interested in developing algorithms for an adaptive perception system based on interactive environment exploration and open-ended learning, which enables robots to learn from past experiences and interact with human users. I have been investigating on active perception, where robots use their mobility and manipulation capabilities not only to gain perceptual information to model the world but also to predict the next-best-view for improving object detection and manipulation performances. I have evaluated my works on different robotic platforms, including PR2, robotic arms (UR5e, Kinova, Franka), and humanoid robots. For more details, please check my webpage  www.ai.rug.nl/hkasaei


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