Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
Landleven12, Gebouw 5419, ruimte 0175
9747 AD Groningen
In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Het werk van deze persoon draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Kamp, I. (Other)
Activiteit: Other research activities › Popular
Kamp, I. (Organiser)
Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Kamp, I. (Other)
Activiteit: Other research activities › Popular
Hendler, N. P. (Contributor), Mulders, G. D. (Contributor), Pascucci, I. (Contributor), Greenwood, A. (Contributor), Kamp, I. (Contributor), Henning, T. (Contributor), Ménard, F. (Contributor), Dent, W. R. F. (Contributor) & II, N. J. E. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 2-mrt.-2018
DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier.18410116
Eiroa, C. (Creator), Marshall, J. P. (Creator), Mora, A. (Creator), Montesinos, B. (Creator), Absil, O. (Creator), Augereau, J. C. (Creator), Bayo, A. (Creator), Bryden, G. (Creator), Danchi, W. (Creator), Del Burgo, B. C. (Creator), Ertel, S. (Creator), Fridlund, M. (Creator), Heras, A. M. (Creator), Krivov, A. V. (Creator), Launhardt, R. (Creator), Liseau, R. (Creator), Löhne, T. (Contributor), Maldonado, J. (Creator), Pilbratt, G. L. (Creator), Roberge, A. (Creator), Rodmann, J. (Creator), Sanz-Forcada, J. (Creator), Solano, E. (Creator), Stapelfeldt, K. (Creator), Thébault, P. (Contributor), Wolf, S. (Creator), Ardila, D. (Creator), Arévalo, M. (Contributor), Beichmann, C. (Creator), Faramaz, V. (Creator), González-García, B. M. (Contributor), Gutiérrez, R. (Contributor), Lebreton, J. (Creator), Martínez-Arnáiz, R. (Contributor), Meeus, G. (Creator), Montes, D. (Creator), Olofsson, G. (Creator), Su, K. Y. L. (Contributor), White, G. J. (Creator), Barrado, D. (Creator), Fukagawa, M. (Creator), Grün, E. (Contributor), Kamp, I. (Creator), Lorente, R. (Creator), Morbidelli, A. (Creator), Müller, S. (Contributor), Mutschke, H. (Creator), Nakagawa, T. (Creator), Ribas, I. (Creator) & Walker, H. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 19-jun.-2013
DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier.35550011
Song, L. (Contributor), Balakrishnan, N. (Contributor), Walker, K. M. (Creator), Stancil, P. C. (Contributor), Thi, W. F. (Contributor), Kamp, I. (Contributor), Van Der Avoird, A. (Contributor) & Groenenboom, G. C. (Contributor), Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center, 18-mrt.-2016
DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier.18130096, https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/ApJ/813/96
Dionatos, O. (Contributor), Woitke, P. (Contributor), Güdel, M. (Contributor), Degroote, P. (Contributor), Liebhart, A. (Contributor), Anthonioz, F. (Contributor), Antonellini, S. (Contributor), Baldovin-Saavedra, C. (Contributor), Carmona, A. (Contributor), Dominik, C. (Contributor), Greaves, J. S. (Contributor), Ilee, J. D. (Contributor), Kamp, I. (Contributor), Ménard, F. (Contributor), Min, M. (Contributor), Pinte, C. (Contributor), Rab, C. (Contributor), Rigon, L. (Contributor), Thi, W.-F. (Contributor) & Waters, L. B. F. M. (Contributor), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 1-mei-2019
DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier.36250066
Boccaletti, A. (Creator), Mâlin, M. (Contributor), Baudoz, P. (Creator), Tremblin, P. (Creator), Perrot, C. (Creator), Rouan, D. (Creator), Lagage, P.-O. (Creator), Whiteford, N. (Creator), Mollière, P. (Contributor), Waters, R. (Creator), Henning, T. (Creator), Decin, L. (Creator), Güdel, M. (Contributor), Vandenbussche, B. (Creator), Absil, O. (Creator), Argyriou, I. (Creator), Bouwman, J. (Creator), Cossou, C. (Creator), Coulais, A. (Creator), Gastaud, R. (Creator), Glasse, A. (Creator), Glauser, A. M. (Creator), Kamp, I. (Creator), Kendrew, S. (Creator), Krause, O. (Creator), Lahuis, F. (Creator), Mueller, M. (Creator), Olofsson, G. (Creator), Patapis, P. (Creator), Pye, J. (Creator), Royer, P. (Creator), Serabyn, E. (Creator), Scheithauer, S. (Creator), Colina, L. (Creator), Van Dishoeck, E. F. (Creator), Ostlin, G. (Creator), Ray, T. P. (Creator) & Wright, G. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 27-mei-2024
DOI: 10.26093/cds/vizier.36860033