Persoonlijk profiel


Jagoda Sławińska received her Ph.D. in 2012 at the University of Łódź, after which she completed the postdocs at the ICMM-CSIC (Spain), CNR-SPIN (Italy) and the University of North Texas (USA). She joined Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials as an assistant professor in 2020. Her research group Computational Materials Science is focused on modeling, designing, and understanding novel quantum materials for nanoelectronics and spintronics. The major research themes are ferroelectric spintronics, chiral spintronics, and 2D materials and heterostructures. The group actively contributes to the development of computational tools based on density functional theory used for calculations at different scales. They also closely collaborate with experimentalists, predicting new effects, explaining experimental observations, and proposing novel applications for electronics.


Sławińska received a prestigious Prime Minister’s Award for the Ph.D. Thesis in 2013 in Poland, Mobility Plus Fellowship 2013-2015 from the Polish Ministry of Science, and Rosalind Franklin Fellowship at the University of Groningen in 2020.

The most relevant publications 2017-2022

[1] A. Roy, F. T. Cerasoli, A. Jayaraj, K. Tenzin, M. Buongiorno Nardelli, Sławińska, Long-range current-induced spin accumulation in chiral crystals, npj Computational Materials 8, 243 (2022)

The paper reports unconventional charge-to-spin conversion in chiral materials similar to the chirality-induced spin selectivity observed in chiral molecules; the effect is accompanied by the quasi-persistent spin textures that partly protect the spins from randomization upon scattering. Such a combination of properties suggests that spin transport in chiral materials can be very robust over large distances, thus suitable for various spintronics devices.

[2] A. Roy, M.H.D. Guimarães, J. Sławińska, Unconventional spin Hall effects in nonmagnetic solids, Physical Review Materials 6, 045004 (2022)

The work summarizes different types of spin Hall effects, conventional and unconventional that can occur in materials with low symmetry. Charge-to-spin conversion in unconventional configurations is helpful in several spintronics devices, for example, spin-orbit torque memories.

[3] Varotto, S., Nessi, L., Cecchi, S., Sławińska, J., Noël, P., Petrò, S., Fagiani, F., Novati, A., Cantoni, M., Petti, D., Albisetti, E., Costa, M., Calarco, R., Buongiorno Nardelli, M., Bibes, M., Picozzi, S., Attané, J.-P., Vila, L., Bertacco, R., Rinaldi, C., Room-temperature ferroelectric switching of spin-to-charge conversion in germanium telluride, Nature Electronics, 4 (10), 740-747, (2021)

The paper addresses room-temperature ferroelectric control of spin-to-charge conversion in GeTe, providing experimental evidence of ferroelectric switching in the heavily doped semiconductor as well as the demonstration of reversal of the spin current upon the change of the ferroelectric polarization. Overall, it is a proof-of-principle that the ferroelectric Rashba semiconductor GeTe can be used in logic-in-memory units, such as ferroelectric spin-orbit (FESO) devices.



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