Persoonlijk profiel


The optical mechanisms underlying structural coloration displays in animals, especially in hummingbirds and butterflies, with a focus on visual communication and signaling geometries.


Colour and polarization signalling of Morpho butterflies

Within the natural world lies a realm of captivating hues and shimmering colour displays. My research is dedicated to understanding the complexities of structural colours in nature, with a particular focus on their potential implications within the broader context of visual ecology.

During my doctoral research, I have concentrated on elucidating the mechanisms underlying the polarized iridescent displays of Morpho butterflies. By integrating principles of optics and physics with potential biological functions, my work aims to enhance our comprehension of how butterflies perceive and utilize colour in their ecological contexts. I expect to gain insights into the communicative significance of iridescence, shedding light on the intricacies of visual signalling and the functional ecology underlying visual communication displays.

I intend to continue unraveling the perceptual world of butterflies from a multidisciplinary perspective, shedding light on how they perceive conspecifics in their environments. This inquiry not only provides insights into their sensory capabilities, but it also offers a deeper understanding of their ecological interactions, thus unveiling the foundations of reliable information transmission in natural communication systems.


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