Activiteiten per jaar
- 49 resultaten
The Detumescence of ‘Great Man’: Toxic European Heritage and Planetary Becoming
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
22-feb.-2024Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
How to position yourself in the public debate
van Hummel, T. (Speaker) & von Stuckrad, K. (Speaker)
22-mei-2024Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Wie nehmen wir alternative Wissensformen auf?
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
6-feb.-2024Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Dark Green Sciences: Planetary Knowledge and Institutional Change
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
25-apr.-2024Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Not “Dark” at All: The European “Middle Ages” as a Hotspot of Religious Pluralism
von Stuckrad, K. (Speaker)
22-jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Poetic Sciences around 1800: Challenge and Inspiration for Today
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
24-feb.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
"There Is Hope, But Not For Us”: Dystopian Utopias in Environmentalist Thinking
von Stuckrad, K. (Speaker)
jun.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The ‘Paradox of Astrology’: A Chimera of European Hegemonic Thinking
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
17-nov.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Postcolonial Thinking and Human Regimes of Exploitation: Toward a Biocentric Postcolonial Ethics
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
3-feb.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Living Stones, Sentient Landscapes: New Animism and (De)Coloniality
von Stuckrad, K. (Speaker)
22-mei-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
European Animisms
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
6-nov.-2023 → 8-nov.-2023Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Secrecy, Concealment, and Privacy: Three Different Modes of Esoteric Tradition
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
16-nov.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Abseits des Bildungskanons: Esoterik und alternative Formen von Spiritualität
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
jun.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Agential Entanglements in Renaissance Art: Locating Ancient Gods in Religious Discourse
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
20-okt.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
New Animism: Recent Discussions in the Study of Religion and the Search for a Planetary Future
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
jul.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Agential Turn and the Study of Religion
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
11-mrt.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Undisciplining the Study of Religion: Critical Posthumanities and More-than-human Ways of Knowing
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
mei-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
“Everything is Animated”: Nature-Based Spiritualities and Their Intellectual Prehistory
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
21-mrt.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Einleitende Bemerkungen zur Esoterikforschung
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
13-dec.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Secular as a Religious Power House: A Conversation Between Kocku von Stuckrad and Courtney Bender
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
apr.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Plausibilitätsstrukturen im heterodoxen Diskurs: Astrologie und hegemoniale Wissensordnungen
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
mei-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Nature of Things: Agential Realism and the Ontologies in Nature-based Spiritualities
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
22-sep.-2022Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Entangled Scholarship: Envisioning the Future of the Study of Religion
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
nov.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Luigi Pericle and Spiritual Astrology in the Twentieth Century
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
aug.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Science and Activism
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
dec.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Astrologie und Magie
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
nov.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Languages of Life and the Blending of Worlds
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
10-apr.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Religion and the More-Than-Human World: The Need for Intersectionality
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
12-mrt.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Occultism, Science, and Spirituality: Discourses on the Soul in Europe and North America, 1870 to the Present
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
mrt.-2021Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The Soul in the Twentieth Century: New Insights from Historical Discourse Analysis
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
13-feb.-2020Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Empirie und Improvisation: Astrologisches Wissen in Horoskopen der Frühen Neuzeit
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
7-feb.-2020Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (ISSRNC), devoted to “Religion/Water/Climate: Changing Cultures and Landscapes”
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
15-jun.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Science to Fiction – Fiction to Science: Literature, Poetry, and Knowledge of Nature
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
21-feb.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Encountering the Object: Poetic Science and the Limits of Constructionism in the Study of Religion
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
8-mei-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
New Materialism und die Grenzen der Konstruktion in den Wissenschaften
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
27-nov.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Die Entgrenzung der Seele um 1900: Literatur, Philosophie und Wissenschaft
von Stuckrad, K. (Keynote speaker)
15-mei-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Religion on “Multiple Religious Identities – Individuals, Communities, Traditions”
von Stuckrad, K. (Invited speaker)
20-jun.-2018Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Master Class: The Study of Religion and the Humanities in Twentieth-Century Europe.
Stuckrad, von, K. (Invited speaker)
mrt.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
The International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
Stuckrad, von, K. (Keynote speaker)
jan.-2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Luzerner Diskurse zum Thema “Konstruktion oder Reifizierung der Gegenstände?”
Stuckrad, von, K. (Speaker)
2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
“The Marginalization of Astrology”
Stuckrad, von, K. (Invited speaker)
mrt.-2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Third Gnosticism-Esotericism-Mysticism Rockwell Symposium, devoted to “Gnostic Countercultures: Terror and Intrigue”,
Stuckrad, von, K. (Invited speaker)
2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
“Writing and Textuality in Jewish and Christian Antiquity”, a joint workshop of Humboldt University Berlin, Harvard University, and Hebrew University Jerusalem.
Stuckrad, von, K. (Speaker)
2014Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Annual Meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Religion NAASR 2014
Stuckrad, von, K. (Keynote speaker)
nov.-2014Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
“The Star of Bethlehem in Interdisciplinary Perspective"
Stuckrad, von, K. (Speaker)
okt.-2014Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Religion EASR, the Dutch Association for the Study of Religion NGG, and the International Association for the History of Religions IAHR
Stuckrad, von, K. (Speaker)
mei-2014Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Workshop of the American Academy of Religion AAR on “The Study of Religion as an Analytical Discipline,”
Stuckrad, von, K. (Speaker)
nov.-2013Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Mystik und Gnosis in Literatur, Kunst und Wissensdiskursen
Stuckrad, von, K. (Speaker)
sep.-2013Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Theorizing Pluralism from a Discursive Perspective.
Stuckrad, von, K. (Invited speaker)
2013 → …Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic