Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
I am an evolutionary biologist interested in the origins of biodiversity in a geographical context. I use fieldwork, phylogenetic, genomic and modelling approaches to reconstruct diversification dynamics over evolutionary time scales. I work on a variety of organisms (plants, birds and mammals) from islands and continental biodiversity hotspots.
I also study the impact of anthropogenic extinctions in islands worldwide.
I am based at Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden) and I have joint appointment with the University of Groningen, where I am affiliated with Rampal Etienne's group. We collaborate in many projects focusing on island biodiversity.
In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Het werk van deze persoon draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):
Evolutionary biology, PhD, CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), CSIC - Real Jardin Botanico de Madrid, RJB, Royal Bot Garden Madrid
Datum van toekenning: 10-jun.-2010
Ecology, Evolution, Conservation, MSc, Imperial College London, London
Datum van toekenning: 10-okt.-2006
Biology, BSc, University College London
Datum van toekenning: 10-sep.-2005
Senior Researcher, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic
Onderzoeksoutput › Academic
Etienne, R. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Lens, F. (Hoofdonderzoeker), Lima Valente, L. (Researcher), Brewer, R. (PhD student) & Dehayem Nanwou, O. (PhD student)
01/09/2021 → 01/09/2025
Project: Research
Lambert, J. (Speaker), Lima Valente, L. (Contributor), Santos Neves, P. (Contributor) & Etienne, R. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Etienne, R. (Speaker), Santos Neves, P. (Contributor) & Lima Valente, L. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Lima Valente, L. (Contributor), Michielsen, N. M. (Contributor), Dávalos, L. M. (Contributor), Saville, G. I. (Contributor), Soarimalala, V. (Contributor), Goodman, S. M. (Contributor), van der Geer, A. (Contributor), Garcia Ramirez, J. C. (Contributor), Upham, N. (Contributor) & Etienne, R. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Xie, S. (Speaker), Lima Valente, L. (Contributor) & Etienne, R. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Santos Neves, P. (Speaker), Lambert, J. (Contributor), Lima Valente, L. (Contributor) & Etienne, R. (Contributor)
Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Xie, S. (Creator), Lima Valente, L. (Contributor) & Etienne, R. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 27-jan.-2023
DOI: 10.5061/dryad.m37pvmd65, http://10.5281/zenodo.7389581
Lambert, J. W. (Creator), Valente, L. (Creator) & Etienne, R. S. (Creator), ZENODO, 20-nov.-2023
Lambert, J. W. (Creator), Santos Neves, P. (Creator), Bilderbeek, R. J. C. (Creator), Valente, L. (Creator) & Etienne, R. S. (Creator), ZENODO, 23-aug.-2023
Jentsch, A. (Contributor), Flantua, S. G. A. (Contributor), Larcombe, M. J. (Contributor), Lima Valente, L. (Contributor), Nürk, N. M. (Contributor), Cutts, V. (Contributor), Onstein, R. E. (Contributor), Higgins, S. I. (Contributor), Liede-Schumann, S. (Contributor), Schlüter, P. M. (Contributor), Beierkuhnlein, C. (Contributor), Edwards, E. J. (Contributor), Hughes, C. E. (Contributor), Pirie, M. D. (Contributor), Donoghue, M. J. (Contributor), Piñeiro Fernández, L. (Contributor), Linder, H. P. (Contributor) & Field, R. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 19-mei-2020
DOI: 10.5061/dryad.2bvq83bkx, https://zenodo.org/record/4992701
Xie, S. (Contributor), Valente, L. M. (Contributor) & Etienne, R. S. (Contributor), ZENODO, 7-okt.-2024
1 item van Media-aandacht
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Roeble, L., van Benthem, K., Etienne, R. & Valente, L.
1 item van Media-aandacht
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1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Activiteiten met een maatschappelijk belang › Popular
10/01/2023 → 03/02/2023
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242 items van Media-aandacht
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