Foto van Paula Kalkman
  • Poststraat6

    9712 ER Groningen


Persoonlijk profiel


Death in conversion? An osteo-archaeological analysis of burial treatment in Roman and Early Byzantine Anatolia.

My research focuses on funerary treatment in Roman and early Byzantine Anatolia (1st-7th century CE). The main aim is to investigate changes and continuity in burial treatment and treatment of the body, especially in relation to important societal changes such as the Roman influence and emergence of Christianity. The central dataset is from the necropolis of ancient Seleukeia Sidera (a project in cooperation with the Süleyman Demirel University in Isparta). The study will be working from an individual approach to a regional level by comparing the data from Seleukeia Sidera to contemporaneous sites in central-west Anatolia.

Externe posities

Treasurer, PhD Council of the Graduate School for the Humanities

okt.-2019 → …


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  • 1 Soortgelijke profielen