Activiteiten per jaar
- 46 resultaten
Variation and Variability, Competition and Change: A dynamic usage-based approach to language development
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
4-jun.-2024Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
19th International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) World Congress
Verspoor, M. (Chair), de Bot, K. (Chair/vice-chair of scientific committee), Lowie, W. (Chair/vice-chair of scientific committee), Michel, M. (Chair/vice-chair of organising committee), Steinkrauss, R. (Treasurer of organising committee), Keijzer, M. (Member of organising committee), Rousse-Malpat, A. (Member of organising committee) & Jager, S. (Member of organising committee)
15-aug.-2020 → 20-aug.-2020Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
University of Jyväskylä, 40351, Jyväskylä, Finland
Steinkrauss, R. (Visiting researcher)
17-jun.-2019 → 19-jun.-2019Activiteit: Visiting an external institution › Academic
PhD co-promotor for Huimin Ke
Steinkrauss, R. (Examiner)
2019 → 2023Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Dynamic analysis of longitudinal data: A toolkit
Steinkrauss, R. (Invited speaker) & Verspoor, M. (Invited speaker)
17-jun.-2019Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Anéla 2018 Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2018Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
19th Summer School of Psycholinguistics
Steinkrauss, R. (Invited speaker)
2017Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
AAAL - American Association of Applied Linguistics
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2017Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
PhD defense
Steinkrauss, R. (Examiner)
1-mei-2017Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
PhD co-promotor for Ting Huang
Steinkrauss, R. (Co-supervisor)
2016 → 2020Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
PhD co-promotor for Sirkku Lesonen
Steinkrauss, R. (Co-supervisor)
2016 → 2020Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
International Conference on Language Attrition 3
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2016Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
University of Groningen (Externe Organisatie)
Steinkrauss, R. (Member)
2016 → 2019Activiteit: Membership › Academic
Thinking, Doing, Learning: Usage-based perspectives on second language learning
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2015Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
University of Groningen (Externe Organisatie)
Steinkrauss, R. (Member)
2015 → 2017Activiteit: Membership › Academic
EUROSLA - 25th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2015Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics (Tijdschrift)
Steinkrauss, R. (Editor)
15-jun.-2015 → 15-jun.-2020Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic
PhD co-promotor for Audrey Rousse-Malpat
Steinkrauss, R. (Co-supervisor)
2015 → 2018Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
PhD defense
Steinkrauss, R. (Examiner)
2-jul.-2015Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Colloquium on Linguistic Complexity Brussels
Steinkrauss, R. (Invited speaker)
2014Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Workshop on Linguistic Complexity
Steinkrauss, R. (Invited speaker)
19-dec.-2014Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Eurosla, 23rd conference of the European Second Language Association
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2013Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
WOT Brussel - Werkgroep over Taal
Steinkrauss, R. (Invited speaker)
2013Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
University of Groningen (Externe Organisatie)
Steinkrauss, R. (Member)
2013 → 2015Activiteit: Membership › Academic
PhD defense
Steinkrauss, R. (Examiner)
25-jun.-2013Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
Measuring Foreign Accent in Second Language Acquisition and First Language (L1) Attrition
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2012Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
EUROSLA - 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2012Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
CogLingDays 5
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2012Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
PhD co-promotor for He Sun
Steinkrauss, R. (Co-supervisor)
2012 → 2015Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
PhD co-promotor for Cornelia Lahmann
Steinkrauss, R. (Co-supervisor)
2011 → 2015Activiteit: Supervision and examination of PhD students of the UG › Academic
University of Groningen (Externe Organisatie)
Steinkrauss, R. (Member)
2011 → 2014Activiteit: Membership › Academic
EUROSLA - 21st Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2011Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag 2011
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2011Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Symposium on Complexity, Accuracy, Fluency
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2011Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
BUCLD 33 - Boston University Conference on Language Development
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2008Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
DGKL/GCLA 3 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik/German Cognitive Linguistics Association
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2008Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
1st AILA-Europe International Junior Researchers Meeting in Applied Linguistics
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2007Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
ICLC 10 - International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2007Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
Steinkrauss, R. (Organiser)
2006Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
IASCL 10 - International Association for the Study of Child Language
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2005Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic
ATDS 16 - Arbeitstagung der deutschsprachigen Skandinavistik
Steinkrauss, R. (Speaker)
2003Activiteit: Academic presentation › Academic