- 5 resultaten
Lid Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW)
Veenstra, R. (Recipient), 9-feb.-2019
Prijs: Election to learned society › Academic
Nominated: Huibregtsenprijs for a recent research project that is highly innovative and is likely to lead to knowledge utilization
Veenstra, R. (Recipient), 2015
Prijs: Other distinction › Academic
‘Antecedents and consequences of adolescents' prosocial relationships: Peer group dynamics at the individual, dyadic, network, and contextual level.’
Veenstra, R. (Recipient), 2013
Prijs: Prize › Academic
‘Peers and partners: A social network approach to adolescents’ peer and romantic relationships.’
Veenstra, R. (Recipient), 2013
Prijs: Prize › Academic
‘Social networks processes and social development of children and adoelscents.’
Veenstra, R. (Recipient), 2013
Prijs: Prize › Academic