Alt, S., 21-apr.-2021, International Relations in the Anthropocene: New Agendas, New Agencies and New Approaches. Chandler, D., Müller, F. & Rothe, D. (uitgave). Palgrave MacMillan, blz. 389-40517 blz.
Alt, S., 2017, Art as a Political Witness. Lindroos, K. & Möller, F. (uitgave). Opladen, Berlin and Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers, blz. 179-19820 blz.
Alt, S., 2013, The Biopolitics of Development: Reading Michel Foucault in the Postcolonial Present. Mezzadra, S., Reid, J. & Samaddar, R. (uitgave). New Delhi: Springer India
Alt, S., 2011, Critical Perspectives on Human Security: Rethinking Emancipation and Power in International Relations. Chandler, D. & Hynek, N. (uitgave). London and New York: Routledge